The richest men in America are in the final stages of a 40-year plan to kill America and crown themselves kings.
Follow the money, and listen to them brag about it.

Each of these men are deeply connected to the others in ideology, motive, profit, and friendship. This is not hyperbole: they intend for JD Vance to be the last POTUS, ever.This is the end-game of capitalism. The economic system has always been a flow of money from the wealthy to the laborer in the form of wages, and then back again to the wealthy in the form of spending. Now, they are cutting out the middle-man: us.They seek to govern nations like corporations: A CEO at the top, a few shareholders who reap profits, and everyone else must either contribute or be fired.If you are on the right, we are not attacking you. But they are. They have infiltrated the conservative party with the express intent of revoking the Constitution, ending America, and becoming kings of their own nations. Help us protect our country.

What can you do?

Build resilient communities in real-life that are defined by mutual aid.
Leverage our online-connectedness for coalition building.
Contribute to the reach of independent press.
Hold your representatives accountable.
Tie them up in legal processes.
Enact mass non-compliance.
Launch worker strikes.